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reddu para escuelas - soluciona para la dislexia en secundaria y adaptacion de contenidos.
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Welcome to the era of inclusive education

Measure the progress of students with reading and writing difficulties and provide them with the necessary resources to reach their best version. Thanks to Reddu's technology, you can create individualized adaptations in minutes

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Tools to empower learning

We designed a pedagogical system for students with learning difficulties related to literacy skills.


We focus on practicing the skills affected by language learning difficulties through gamified mechanisms that display content created uniquely for each student.


And for you, who teach and educate, we co-create with educational centers and professionals a monitoring platform that generates adaptations based on the specific needs of the student.

Como Funciona Reddu

Designed to transfrom education

At Reddu, students engage with their learning by playing, making them active participants in their own journey towards academic success. It's an approach that measures progress beyond just grades, aiding in the development of their knowledge

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Reddu - it's time to start playing!

For students, Reddu is a game designed based on scientific studies to improve skills affected by dyslexia

📝 Individual exercises and adaptations
Levels and exercises created with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), adapting to the level of the student

🧑‍🏫 Microlearning, responsible technology
Daily sessions of 10 - 20 minuts to consistently improve

🎮 Effective gamification

The exercises are formated as videogame levels to increase the focus of the student

🎯Progress y correction of errors 

the A.I. that we developed learns form the succeses and errors of the student to booster their progress

Adptarciones instantaneas

Your duty is to teach, ours to help you

Track student progress, assign activities, and receive information about their adaptation. Let our AI tailor your activities for each student.

📊 Follow up the progress, take smart decisions

With Reddu, you will see the individual progress of your students and will give you advice to keep elevating their progress 

📚 Automatic adaptation plan

Based on the level and progress of each student, we update the PI to their real needs allowing the student to unlock the 100% of their capacity

🦄 Adapting content as if it was magic

Use our A.I motor to adapt content in 2 steps: upload  the file to adapt (exams, homeworks, books...), select the student and will have the adapted content in munutes

🏫 Integrated with your favourite tools 

If you prefer to continue using your current tracking tools, we integrate so that you can continue working with what works best with you, but better.

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Talk to us

Any doubts and want to learn more or simply request a demo? Complete the survey and we will contact you in less than 24 hours

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